Friday, August 14, 2009

6 Miles Accomplished!!!

So got back from vacation in Tenneessee Sunday afternoon. I worked a few hours at the salon and then went to church and I was just...T-I-R-E-D.

I started fresh Monday morning with a 5 mile run at Riverside I believe. It went quite well, not too warm, although I need to pick up the pace a little. If I usually run a 10, 10:15 mile, when I'm running longer runs I need to try to not slow down too much. I'm really thinking about purchasing a Garmin 305 just because of that fact. I have a clock on my IPOD, but I think I need something more accurate (or I just WANT it anyways!)

Tuesday morning was P90X Plyometrics, and the past couple times I don't think I've been 'Bringin It" as much as I could have, so I tried my best that day! I took one small break but finished it in about 65 minutes or so. My legs were a little sore the next day. I think with me increasing the time that I'm spending running that my cardio endurance is going up as well (duh) and so it's easier to get through the hour workout. That evening I did some Yoga, just to stretch out from the bus ride and relax a little from the more difficult cardio.

Wednesday morning I DID IT! I ran from my house to halfway between Brookside and Cherry Street and then back home! 6 miles! It wasn't too bad, although I definitely need to leave my house before 7:30AM, especially when it's going to be an hour run. My shirt was pretty soaked when I came in, and I wasn't super tired because of running, more just because I was so HOT. But it was kind of nice running along a popular street, because it didn't feel as difficult. I could look at people, cars, store fronts; it was interesting. I don't feel sexy while running, definitely not, but I suppose it helps me get over that, in a way and continue on my fitness journey.

Thursday morning I did Chest & Back along with Ab RipperX. I have still been slacking on the resistance training a little and with the Boudoir Sessions coming up next weekend, I'm trying to ensure I'm not missing those workouts. I'm still a little sore today, Friday afternoon.

This morning...what did I do? Oh, yes, 55 minute "easy run" at La Fortune, 5 miles. Tonight, I'm going to do Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps. Then tomorrow morning, some of us from work are going to go back to La Fortune and run it twice, which will be a NEW thing for me. I haven't made it 6.4 miles yet, but hopefully running with them and earlier in the morning, will be extremely helpful and motivating!

This morning, my roommate mentioned that I looked thinner and my first client as well. :-) Yay! Results are awesome; weigh - in again tomorrow. After coming back from Tenneessee and then spending the day on the boat with the boy, the diet wasn't perfect...but hopefully I've whipped it back into shape!

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