Monday, July 13, 2009

Phase 3 & Some Results FINALLY!

Today was the 2nd day of Phase 3, first time around. I stepped on the scale today because I told myself that I'm going to start weighing myself twice a week, that way I have to answer a little bit more. So Mondays and Thursdays are THE days. I weighed last ***.* and BW of **.*. :=) Can't let you know TOO much!

But weighed today after really working hard all weekend and pushing it, LOST 3.4 pounds!!! Granted, they'd still better be gone on Thursday, although...I am having my birthday dinner and drinks tomorrow night. And I'm probably going to...drink a lot. Mexican and margaritas, they're kind of high in calories. But I'm doing Plyo in the morning and ran today and about to go do Shoulders & Arms, and then Wednesday - run, bike and possibly Kenpos X.

Oh, the Body Fat drop was 1.3% too. :-) Hopefully it's even better Thursday!

One of my clients came in yesterday and he hadn't seen me....for 7 weeks; he waited a little long in my opinion. But he told me that he hardly recognized me (my hair was down and straight too...I think that was part of it)! But that made me feel really awesome, and I really am noticing results, it only took 2 months of doing this and really only about a month of trying to eat really well. Just imagine what would have happened if I had known about the nutrition plan to begin with?! Craziness.

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